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Leave policy in India l Labour Laws l

The leave policies in India are governed by various central and state laws formed for the different classes of employees. 

The workmen working in factories are governed by the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948, and the employees working in Companies are mainly governed by the provisions of the respective Shops and Establishment Act enforced by the state.

In this blog, I aim to cover the relevant leave policies for the metro cities in India as per the relevant provisions of the Shops and Establishment Act of the state.

Name of the State

Sick Leave

Casual Leave

Earned Leave


No. of leaves



No. of leaves



No. of leaves


West Bengal



Date of joining 

14 days of leaves with half pay on presentation of a medical certificate.

Maximum accumulation up to 56 Days

Date of Joining the


10 days


On completion of a year of service.

14 days

Maximum accumulation up to 28 days


In Delhi, the Company may either give Sick/Casual Leaves as per the following policy.

1 Day for every month of employment



5 days for every 4 Months of service

15 Days except for a watchman or Caretaker who shall be entitled to 30 days of earned leaves during a year.

Maximum accumulation up to 3 Times the period of leaves to which the employee is entitled to after every 12 months of employment




One day for every 30 days of work.


12 Days





On working during a year, to be credited during the subsequent year

1 Day for every 20 days of work for an Adult

45 Days

1 Day for every 15 days of work for a young person

45 Days







To be credited on a Quarterly Basis i.e. 2 in each quarter.

08 days during the year


On the working of 240 days in a year, to be allowed in the subsequent year. work.

One leave for every 20 days of work. performed

Further, every person who has completed 3 months of service in any year shall be allowed a maximum of 5 days of leaves for every 60 days of work. 

45 Days

Tamil Nadu



Date of joining


12 Days


Date of Joining


12 days


For every year of work, leaves to be given in the subsequent year

12 Days

45 Days










On working 240 days in a year leaves to be credited in the subsequent year

1 Day for  every 12 days of work performed for an Adult.

30 Days

1 Day for every 15 days of work performed for a Child.

40 Days




Joining the Organization

Maximum 12 Days


Joining the organization

Maximum 12 Days


On working 240 days in a year leaves to be credited in the subsequent year

15 Days

60 Days


(Leave encashment for every 8 Days in a year)




On joining the organization

7 days in a year


On joining the organization

7 days in a year


On working of at least 20 days in a year for adults

One day for every 20 days of employment for an adult

Maximum accumulation of 30 days for an adult.

On working of 15 days for a young person.

One day for every 15 days of employment

Maximum accumulation of 40 days for a young person.

Further, as stated earlier, the workmen working in factories in India are governed by the relevant provisions of the Factories Act, 1948, and the provisions relating to leaves for workmen of the factory, as prescribed under the act are given below:

Types of leave


No. of leaves


Earned leaves

On working 240 days in the previous year, the leaves will be allowed in the subsequent year.

One leave for 20 days of work for an adult worker

30 days.

One leave for 15 days of work for a child

40 days

Kind Attention: The information provided herein is for educational purposes only and the author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content. 


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