Legal Entity Identifier l LEI l Change in authorized official/authorized signatory on LEI Portal l Letter of Authority for Legal Entity Identifier l
Ever wondered how can you change the authorized signatory/authorized official on the website of the Legal Entity Identifier India Limited. It is a general practice to authorize the employees of the company to undertake various statutory registrations and compliances. However, companies often feel stuck when their authorized employees leave the organization. In today's blog, we will help you with the procedure to change the authorized signatory/authorized official of the company on the LEI Portal. 1) Board's Authorization The first and foremost step for changing the authorized signatory is to get the approval of the board for revoking the authorization granted to the existing employee (who is leaving the organization) and to authorize another official in this regard. This can be done in a duly convened board meeting or by way of a circular resolution. 2) Execution of Letter of Authority Once the board has authorized another official of the company, a "Letter of Authorit...